I’ve run the #1 fund and made my boss over $100,000,000 profit on one trade. And the best investment?
The SINGLE best investment? Your time. Leverage your career as your #1 potential wealth generator.
Use my 3 Bs strategy to separate your time from your wealth:
Break In
Build Equity
Break Out
Read MegaWealth™️?
Get Your MegaWealth Workbook
You’ve read MegaWealth, maybe even the entire MegaWealth Series. Now, you want to create your individual MegaWealth plan.
Simply download the MegaWealth™️ Workbook by either clicking on the MegaWealth™️ Workbook, the blue button below the workbook, or CLICK HERE.
The questions in the workbook follow the chapters, in sequential order, of the book MegaWealth, so you can learn more context behind any question by referring to the relevant chapter.
Answer the questions, then refer to Part 3 of MegaWealth for instructions on how to take your MegaWealth™️ Workbook answers and turn them into Your MegaWealth™️ plan.
Reading MegaWealth could change your life.
In 30 days or less!
Where are you on your 3 Bs journey?
Breaking In <> Building Equity <> Breaking Out
You know you need to move from Breaking-In to Building Equity, but don’t want to make the wrong move.
You’ve built some equity and are questioning staying in that phase for longer but you want a smart strategy, or you might want to move to the Breaking Out phase.
Maybe you’re in the Breaking In phase, and you want to proactively map out your 3 Bs path.
Wherever you are on your 3 Bs journey, I have resources for you.
Moving from the Breaking-In to Building Equity is the ideal moment to use my full MegaWealth™️ Executive Coaching package, which includes 4 hours of coaching and a fully customized MegaWealth™️ Plan. You’ve reached a point where you want a detailed map as you move to the next level. I’ve worked closely with 4 Billionaires, saw $100 million and billionaire fortunes built by multiple friends by age 50, and coached multiple people to their first millions in wealth by age 30.
When you are trying to land your first job, i.e. you are Breaking In, you may need inexpensive or free resources. While I do not mentor or coach for free, I do offer many free and affordable resources. My book sells for around $10. On this website, you’ll find blog posts on Breaking-In, getting the most out of your first job to set the stage for your move across the 3Bs, videos on YouTube, and posts on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. I also offer affordable courses to support your success on mega-wealth.com.
I was frustrated, making $24 million personally for my billionaire boss, while being paid a 6-figure salary.
I asked for a $15,000 raise, and was given $5,000 less than I asked for.
I was asking the wrong question.
Instead of asking for a raise, I should have been asking myself how I could move into the Building Equity phase of my career.
My career and my future shouldn’t depend on a boss to approving a raise. It’s up to me. And it’s up to you. Now I help others regain control of their careers through my books and coaching. - Emmy Sobieski
Your MegaWealth Path:
Read MegaWealth, MegaWealth: Careers, and MegaWealth: Investing
Build your plan using my MegaWealth™️ Workbook.
Sign up for 1X1 coaching to reach your goals faster.
Feel like part of the “Broke Upper Class?”
Stuck selling your time, income growing, but expenses too, with no end in sight?
With our 1X1 coaching, we map your path to a leveraged career, specifically how to move from Breaking-In to Building Equity, before it’s too late.
To save time and know if working with me is right for you. First, Read MegaWealth.
Are you?
Early to mid-career and worry you are on the WRONG path?
Salaried, even making $500K+, yet you feel stuck.
You’ve been stuck in the first phase of your career, Breaking In, for too long.
You know you need to move to the next phase in your career, Building Equity.
You’ve read MegaWealth™️, but aren’t sure what to do in your specific situation.
Don’t want to be in your 50s, still on the treadmill of selling your time for money. Yet, you’re afraid of losing your wealth and career momentum by making the wrong moves.
How do you make the shift to Building Equity, at the best time, by joining a great company in a promising industry?
You want a strategic path you can depend on.
MegaWealth™️3 Book Series
MegaWealth™️3 Book Series *
Start by reading my 3 books.
MegaWealth™️ describes the strategy behind navigating the world of private companies to yield the most money for your time.
MegaWealth™️: Careers shows you the top private markets careers best suited for this strategy.
MegaWealth™️: Investing shows you how to develop and then use your investing mind. You’ll start to view your career and advisory roles where you’re paid equity as your most important investments because you can never get your time back!
Low on funds or just starting out? Reading my books is a great first step for those starting their careers who can’t afford coaching. And if you have further questions, you can respond to a post of mine on LinkedIn and I’ll answer you there!
Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching *
Is my 1X1 Executive Coaching right for you?
Are you feeling burned out?
Do you need to move out of the Broke Upper Class and start Building Equity along the 3Bs?
Do you want to build a strategy to separate your time from your wealth by designing your money flywheel?
My coaching package includes a customized MegaWealth™️ plan developed by me with your input, 4 hours of 1X1 coaching.
Onboarding: A one-hour call to uncover your dreams, skills, and obstacles.
Plan Creation: A 20-year career plan, leveraging my experience with billionaires and startups to chart your clearest path to success.
Kickoff: A one-hour coaching call to align on the plan and enable immediate execution.
Bonus Coaching Call #1: Accountability or major decision support at the 3-month mark.
Bonus Coaching Call #2: Additional support at the 6-month mark or as needed.
“I accepted a job this week.
I’ll be in their leadership team as they scale growth from 30–>100M and explore an IPO.
You helped crystallize my thoughts on the right direction and in moving away from being an employee of a big company and focused primarily on building exponential wealth.”
Dan K. (via LinkedIn)
“I met Emmy as a college student at UCSD.
She encouraged me to follow my passion for options trading, originally as a trader, and eventually creating a company, Genesis Volatility, that brings rigorous analysis of options to the crypto markets. Her coaching brings you her personalized advice and mentorship.”
— Greg Magadini, Founder & CEO, Genesis Volatility (sold to Amberdata)
Emmy is a force of nature. She lifts up everyone.
During my university days, Emmy taught us how to place ourselves in positions of leverage, map our careers, and connect the dots to benefit from evolving financial ecosystems. Every member of our group went into successful finance careers.
Emmy helped me shape the strategy and direction of my career to propel me to where I am today. Her coaching can do the same for you.”
— Sam Hong, COO, MOLTEN
Are You Building Equity?
Have you started building equity, but you’re questioning if you are on the right path?
You’re building equity. Are you at the right place?
Could you implement the VC/BD/Startup money flywheel to grow your wealth faster?
Should you move to your next, higher profile building equity position, or...
You’ve read MegaWealth™️, but aren’t sure what to do in your specific situation.
You’re afraid of losing your wealth and career momentum by making the wrong moves.
How do you make the RIGHT shift to Building Equity faster?
How do you do this at the RIGHT time, by joining or forming the RIGHT company in the RIGHT industry?
You want a path you can depend on and someone to keep you on track.
That’s why I offer MegaWealth™️ 1X1 Executive Coaching.
Who can you help the most?
I am best able to help people who are 25-45 years old, working at a large tech company, and wanting to move from the Breaking In phase to the Building Equity phase of their career.
You are making the most important investment: your time. You want to move to the right opportunity at the right time to maximize your chances for a significant boost in your wealth.
Will coaching with you guarantee I become wealthy, making $50 million, $100 million, or more?
Definitely not! Making MegaWealth™️ is a combination of hard work, strategy, timing, and luck. In this case, it’s partly my advice, a much larger part is your efforts and another big chunk of luck and timing… You will learn to maximize your wealth opportunities in the context of all your goals (family, freedom, health).
If I can’t expect specific monetary outcomes, what can I expect from working with you?
I can promise to give my best advice, and that advice comes from working closely with 4 billionaires for years as well as seeing firsthand as multiple friends made $100 million by age 50, and my mentees who made millions by age 30. You will walk away with a detailed plan of how to instill leverage into your life, either to get what you want out of life with less effort, or get far more out of life with the same effort.
Do you turn away clients?
Yes. If I don’t think coaching with me is a good use of your money, I will recommend other resources. I only work with clients for whom I think I can add significant value.
What can I expect to do, how much time does this MegaWealth™️ Coaching take?
We start with some pre-work via email, then 1 hour to get clear on your values, goals, and priorities. That is followed by us working collaboratively over email to develop your custom plan, with quarterly milestones for the first year, then annual to year 2, then 5, 10, and 20-year plans.
The second coaching hour is spent discussing the plan and going over next steps. This leaves 2 hours of coaching available to you in the moments you need them during your key decisions. I set this cadence based on the needs of people I coached over the past decade.
What do I get in a custom MegaWealth Plan?
Your custom career plan will depend on your goals. We start by solidifying your foundation and working up the career pyramid from there. Broadly, your MegaWealth™️ Plan will include:
Your top values to help make decisions aligned with your purpose
Your life priorities (health, fitness, career, family, etc) and plans on how to improve the foundation of your career pyramid.
Your goals for your career, wealth, and life - broken into quarterly (for the first year), then annual milestones to 2 years, then more infrequent milestones 5, 10, and 20 years out.
Why is much of your social proof younger people you coached starting in college?
Social proof for long-term wealth and career plans comes years, sometimes decades, after the plan was put in place. Social proof is how happy someone is during coaching. Proof that I made a difference in someone’s career success takes years if not decades. I have guided many of these younger people for over a decade, and they have seen strong success, with many making millions while coming from blue-collar backgrounds. They are my strongest social proof because they have had time to see their careers and wealth grow.
Do I need to read your three books MegaWealth™️, MegaWealth™️: Careers, and MegaWealth™️: Investing before becoming a MegaWealth Executive Coaching client?
Reading MegaWealth™️ before signing up for the MegaWealth Executive Coaching Package is strongly advised so we don’t use coaching time to repeat what you can read in the book.
What if I can’t afford coaching but still want to learn from you? Will you mentor me?
My books MegaWealth™️, MegaWealth™️: Careers, and MegaWealth™️: Investing are designed to enable me to mentor at scale. All you have to do is read the three books and use the free workbook. I keep them priced under $20 in both paperback and Kindle. Additionally, I offer affordable paid courses (on mega-wealth.com). If you are looking for free content, check out my newsletter, and content on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter, as well as podcast appearances all linked under the Podcast section of this website.
What if you are currently booked out? Do you have a waitlist?
As I book out from time to time, I will create a waitlist and link to join the waitlist. I won’t lose track of your desire to work with me!
If you are so successful (ran #1 Fund, worked for 4 billionaires, invested in privates, fractional COO), why do you spend time coaching? And why do you charge for coaching?
I have coached people nearly all my life, starting with coaching people to be better horse riders and later coaching multiple underprivileged college students to reach millions in wealth by age 30. I love coaching and will do it no matter my wealth. I charge because clients get more out of coaching they pay for, at market rates.
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
No. Most importantly, though many of my mentees have made millions by age 30, I do NOT guarantee that you will make a certain level of wealth. MegaWealth™️ means different things to different people. Second, I spend a significant amount of time considering your specific situation to custom-craft your MegaWealth™️ Plan, based on my years of experience working with billionaires, seeing close friends make over $100 million, and mentoring underprivileged students to make millions by the age of 30. My time, like your time, is finite, and the only guarantee is I will do my absolute best for you.